MERICS Online Event: Trends of Chinese Direct Investment in Europe

Mai 24, 2023 10:00 - 11:00

Investments in battery production are now the mainstay of Chinese FDI flows into Europe, showcasing that the region is a key pillar in China’s global electric vehicle (EV) expansion strategy. 

This is one of the key findings of a report recently published by MERICS and Rhodium Group as part of a long-standing collaboration between the two. The authors of “EV battery investments cushion drop to decade low: Chinese FDI in Europe – 2022 update see a substantial shift in the nature of China-sourced inflows to Europe (EU-27 and UK) in 2022. Driven by EV battery plants, greenfield investments now represent the bulk of flows, overtaking mergers & acquisitions for the first time since 2008. 

What motives lie behind the increase in Chinese greenfield investment? What does this development mean for the European economy? Which sectors and countries are the chief destinations for Chinese investment? 

Agatha Kratz, Director, Rhodium Group
Max J. Zenglein, Chief Economist, MERICS

Claudia Wessling, Director Communications and Publications, MERICS
